Two summer MS and HS soccer teams forming in Bluffton

Joel Steinmetz is entering two summer soccer teams for girls in middle school and high school into the Hogg Creek Soccer League (HCSL).

He said that HCSL has been established for six years and has grown every year.

"Most of the area schools (with girls' soccer) are involved. This will be Bluffton's first year and we intend to have two teams (HS and MS). Anyone interested should e-mail me as soon as possible. Girls from other school districts would also be invited," he said.

There will be nine games from June 1 through July 15. Games are on Mondays and Wednesdays, in the evenings, and they are played in Bluffton or in nearby towns.

The Bluffton MS team will consist of entering 6th-8th graders.

His e-mail address follows: [email protected].

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