Bluffton Soccer Club registration underway; forms available on The Icon

Soccer registration for the fall is here again. Registration forms area available by clicking here.

Please review and make anynecessary changes to the registration form and sign the Black Swamp Soccer Liability Consent form. Please return forms to Bluffton Soccer along with your payment in person or by mail prior to July 1.

Open registration takes place at the Bluffton Middle School from 5 to 8 p.m. on June 20, 23, 28, 30 or you can mail the forms to Attn: Ron Koontz. 7960 Rockport Rd Bluffton Ohio 45817.

Koontz said: "We have a new web address where everything can be downloaded. cost this season (like Spring '11) will be $45 for all players."

Checks may be made payable to: Bluffton Soccer Club.

A family's first child is charged the full price with a $5 reduction for a second child and a $10 reduction for any subsequent children (up to 3). (This does not include U6 Soccer or indoor participation).

However, a late registration fee of $25.00 will be assessed after registration due date and this does not guarantee your child will be placed on a team.

If your child does not get placed on a team your money will be refunded. The league assesses late fees for all players and teams added after the deadline.