BFR offers Gym and Swim Program starting Monday

BFR will offer one last session of Gym and Swim beginning Monday, July 25 at 4:30 p.m., according to Carole Enneking, director.

Gym and Swim is led by certified water instructor, Kelly Honse. The activities begin at BFR with skill stations for movement, followed by a swim lesson at the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool.

Children must be 2-6 years of age to participate and a parent must be in the water with their child during the swim portion.

Gym and Swim will meet on Monday and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:50 p.m. Cost for the five sessions is $40 ($25 BFR members). Phone registration is required with a minimum of six in the program required calling BFR Sports & Fitness 419-358-4150.