Chamber invites community to consider sponsoring lighted snowflakes for downtown holiday lighting

Chamber invites community to consider sponsoring a snowflake

The largest snowflake ever to land in Bluffton may be viewed as it hangs from a light pole on Main Street in front of Common Grounds and The Food Store. We recommend viewing it after dark.

Despite being August, the snowflake will remain there for a few weeks. The snowflake is part of the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce's new holiday lighting plan for Main Street. (see story below)

Along with the $14,000 new holiday garland project, the chamber hopes to purchase as many of the four-foot snowflakes as it can. Snowflakes will be hung on Main Street light poles to compliment the new garlands. The garlands are being purchased by individual Main Street businesses. The snowflakes, however, are a special project.

Invitation to sponsor a snowflake

"The chamber invites, individuals, church groups, businesses, service organizations and industries to help light up downtown Bluffton this coming Christmas season and for seasons to come," said Fred Steiner, chamber CEO. "Depending upon the response we'd like to have a very heavy 'snowfall' this summer. Yes, that's an intended pun."

Snowflakes may be sponsored in honor or memory of a family member, friend or special Bluffton resident.

"We invite sponsorships of the snowflakes and we will purchase as many as we are able," he added. "One snowflake sponsorship is $399. Groups may sponsor a snowflake outright, or may contribute to the snowflake fund, which will go toward their purchase."

"The chamber purchased the lone snowflake hanging in front of Common Grounds and The Food Store. We wanted to hang it in the summer to get people's attention, added Steiner. "It has been several decades since Bluffton's downtown has been decorated with a new holiday look. We felt it was time, especially with the new garlands, to add something new this year."

The snowflakes will be ordered from Northern Lights Display of Eden Prairie, Minn. A chamber committee formed this past winter to review garland option also was charged by the chamber board to suggest additional lighting projects.


Committee members include Dr. Mark Yoder of Family Eye Care Clinic, Lauren Beasley of Citizens National Bank, Gideon Fisher of Greg's Pharmacy, Jon Kinn, fire chief, and Fred Steiner, chamber. The committee worked in consultation with Jamie Mehaffie of the village and Aphaphanh Nussbaum, chamber president, of Ten Thousand Villages.

It is the hope of this committee that once the snowflake project succeeds that a season banner project will follow. The banners will be placed on light poles similar to the snowflakes. The banners could promote any number of events or seasons.

Interested in sponsoring a snowflake? Complete the snowflake sponsorship form, which is an attachment at the bottom of this story, and return it to the chamber. The chamber hopes to order this year's snowflakes in September. The deadline for a sponsorship is Friday, Sept. 9.

Donors will be recognized in several ways including announcements:
o in chamber newsletters,
o at the December chamber breakfast meeting,
o from the stage during the Blaze of Lights,
o on the chamber website,
o on Bluffton holiday lighting maps distributed free in November and December,
o on posters displayed downtown during the holiday season.
o and, each donor will receive a certificate of recognition from the chamber for participation in the snowflake project.

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