Bluffton's Grob Systems receives state tax credits; will expand in 2012

The Ohio Tax Credit Authority on Monday granted one of Bluffton's largest employers, Grob Systems, a $340,044 payroll tax credit on its plans to hire up to 113 new full-time jobs over seven years.

The Icon understands that average wage of the jobs will be $15 per hour, plus $3.08 per hour in benefits. They will add $3.5 million to Grob's payroll.^aEUR"^aEUR"

The company designs and builds equipment and production lines for the auto industry, including Ford and General Motors.

To qualify for the full tax credit, Grob must maintain operations in Bluffton for at least 10 years.^aEUR"^aEUR" Grob Systems is a subsidiary of Grob-Werke, which is located in Mindelheim, Germany.

The company plans on adding 46,000 square feet to its current plant in 2012 and the state is supporting the idea. The expansion is set to start in 2012. There's no word on when hiring for new positions will begin.

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