Benefit spaghetti dinner for Butch Sanders Dec. 17

A benefit spaghetti dinner for Butch Sanders and his wife, Debb, will take place from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 17, at The Bluffton Sportsmen's Club depot on Spring Street.

Butch has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer from prolonged acid reflux. Butch and Debb are parents of Dee Helms, Chad Sanders, Nikki Dunifon, and Thad and Ryan Wingfield.

Friends planning the event are trying to help offset some of the expenses the family faces with his recent diagnosis. The medication expenses, along with travel for treatments, and the loss of income are a huge concern for them.

There will be a spaghetti dinner with salad, desert, and raffles with all proceeds going to the family. Details of the raffle will be provided soon. The Bluffton Sportsmen's Club is donating use of facility for this event.

Planners ask $5 per dinner or any donation. Persons with questions or donations to send call Coral Lamb at 419-905-9363.

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