Calling all potential advertisers - here's five good reasons to place your message on The Icon

Our loyal viewers constantly remind us that they use The Icon for their number one local news source.

We like to hear this for several reasons. One important reason is that we want potential advertisers to know that we offer several creative ways for you to send your message to our viewers.

Why should you advertise on The Icon? Here are five very good reasons:

1 - Over a 30-day period we reach over 7,000 viewers
2 - 85 percent of our viewers live within 20 miles of Bluffton
3 - Your ads may link to your website or Facebook page
4 - Our ad rates are extremely affordable - we can fit into your budget
5 - We have several advertising opportunities for you:

  • coupons...
  • classified business ads...
  • full-color printer friendly display ads...
  • banners ads...
  • free listing in our advertiser index linked to your website
  • and you may change your message whenever you wish!

Contact us today for details!
419-889-3065 or
[email protected]

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