After 17 games Mike Burris still bowl contest leader

Mike Burris continues to lead the Icon college bowl contest after 17 games (Jan. 1). Here's the current standings:

15 correct - Mike Burris.
14 correct - Bill Edwards and Marvin Porter.
13 correct - Mark Sommers, Robert Rockefeller, Seth Burkholder and Steven Yarnell.
12 correct - David Glick, Doug Schweingruber, Duane Bollenbacher, Jamie Porter, Matt Amstutz and Phil Keeler.
11 correct - Brandon Huber, John Clevidence and Mary Glick.
10 correct - Adelyn Althaus, Becky Warren, Brian Meyers and Julianne Niswander.
9 correct - Debra Porter.
8 correct - Deb Niswander.

The standings after Game 7 (Dec. 29):

7 correct - Mike Burris.
6 correct - Bill Edwards, Brandon Huber, Duane Bollenbacher, Mark Sommers, Marvin Porter, Robert Rockefeller and Seth Burkholder.
5 correct - Adelyn Althaus, Brian Meyers, David Glick, Doug Schweingruber, Jamie Porter, Matt Amstutz, Phil Keeler and Steve Yarnell.
4 correct - Becky Warren and John Clevidence.
3 correct - Deb Niswander, Debra Porter, Julianne Niswander and Mary Glick.
The contest runs through the BSC championship game. The Icon will continue to provide updates as the contest continues.