Holiday garland and snowflakes coming down on Saturday

Want to enjoy Main Street's holiday lights one more time. Take a final look. On Saturday the new garland and 13 lighted snowflakes are coming down.

Members of the Bluffton fire department will remove the garland and snowflakes. The garland is owned by the store owners of Main Street and will be stored by them until next November.

Thanks to individual and business sponsorships fo the snowflakes, the 13 new additions to Main Street are owned by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce. They will be stored until next November also.

The chamber invites any individual, organization, business or industry to sponsor a snowflake for next Christmas season. Several people have indicated an interest in sponsoring a snowflake next year, so the number will certainly increase.

The garland project was new this year. This year's garland replaces the original garland that worked for 25 holiday seasons.

The chamber hopes to expand the downtown project into the spring, summer and autumn. The garland committee will make a proposal this year for seasonal banners to be mounted on Main Street light poles.

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