Allen County board of election reduces village precincts from five to three

Bluffton's new voter map

Bluffton's five Allen County election precincts are now three. The Allen County board of elections reduced the number of Allen County precincts from 121 to 80 in a cost-savings measure this winter.

According to Mark Vernick, director of the Allen County board of elections, the size of the new precincts in Bluffton was based upon the number of registered voters in the village.

Bluffton has 2,315 registered voters. Each new precinct has approximately 770 voters. When voters go to the polls in the March 6 Ohio primary they simply go to their new precinct to vote. All Bluffton Allen County precints are in the Bluffton elementary multi-purpose room. Bluffton voters who live in Hancock County vote in the Orange Township pricinct.

Voters were notified of the change via postcards in today's mail.