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Congressman Jordan visits community leaders, tours remodeled Bluffton Hospital

Fourth District Congressman Jim Jordan visited Bluffton on Tuesday and met informally with a dozen Bluffton officials.

Termed jokingly as a "square-table" discuss as opposed to a round-table discussion - simply because of the shape of the tables - the one-hour session included informing the congressman on village updates from school, industry, university and village officials.

The visit was coordinated by Bluffton Mayor Eric Fulcomer. Following the discussion, Jordan toured the remodeled Bluffton Hospital.

Jordan told his Bluffton audience that 2012 is a "total political year in Washington, D.C." Adding that while "not much will get done" he sees a small window of time next winter when some legislation might be accomplished.

He said that the next administration, whether Democrat or Republican, will need to fix the fiscal problems facing the United States or this nation may face a situation currently facing Greece.

Congressman Jordan in Bluffton, 2 21 12
