Letter: More on downtown fire hydrants and parking spaces
Note: Kevin Wagner wrote a letter to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, and received a reply from Mehaffie. This is a follow up letter from Mr. Wagner to the village administrator. To read Mr. Wagner's first letter in the Icon - it is posted below this letter.
Dear Mr. Mehaffie:
I want to thank you for your prompt reply. I have read your letter and there is still some misunderstanding between us. I do hope that there are plans to correct the error regarding the parking around that fire hydrant. But the second sentence of the second paragraph in your letter is giving me concern.
You wrote:
"As I explained previously, the project was completed as part of an ODOT-managed project ..."
I have emphasized the part that concerns me. I recall talking to you on the phone after I had talked to ODOT's representative in Lima. I informed you that this is misleading. ODOT had oversight regarding funding and use of the funds, only. The representative told me that the plans either came from the Village or a firm the Village hired. ODOT had no oversight regarding parking spaces. I believe I have recordings of the conversations with you and of the conversation with ODOT.
Your reply came the day after I talked to someone from the Bluffton News. I will call them on Monday to see if they are in possession of your reply and if they intend to print your reply. I want to make sure that your allusion to ODOT is clarified.
The fourth paragraph in your reply is irrelevant. I acknowledge the Fire Department has many resources to fight fires. I argue that any inconvenience to the Fire Department greatly outweighs the very minor inconvenience of a shopper. Again there is a parking lot within a few feet.
Your fifth paragraph states that you are sorry that I feel that I am "picking a fight". The reason I feel that way is because until your written reply, I had no indication at all that you intended to do anything.
If an outsider were to review our conversations (the phone calls I have), I think they would conclude that you had a different answer each time I inquired. I believe that there could very well be a similar situation like the old analogy of the fox guarding the hen house. I am concerned that you may be that fox.
Until the Village comes up with a plan, people are parking too close to the fire hydrant in violation of State Law. If you want to convince me that you wish to comply with the law, you would close those spots until the correction is made. As you know I called and talked to many State and County officials regarding enforcement of State Law. I look forward to your reply to this letter clarifying my position.
Finally in regards to the North Dixie Highway project, I want to make sure I understand. The bowling alley is now within the corporation limits. Is that correct? I know the signs are down now. When they are put back up, the bowling alley will be within the limits if what you said the seventh paragraph of your response is true.
Again I want to thank you for the promptness of your reply. I still wish to know who is responsible for the error of the parking spaces. That was not addressed anywhere in your letter.
Kevin Wagner
Original letter follows:
James Mehaffie
Village Administrator
Village of Bluffton
Dear Mr. Mehaffie:
I have been to your office and I have talked to you on the phone. I am afraid that I have not communicated effectively. I often have difficulty in face to face conversations. I do not know if I am ill prepared or that it just takes too much time for me to consider the other's response.
I intend to share this letter publicly because this is a matter of public safety. I am going to assume that I am correct that there is less than ten feet between the painted lines and fire hydrant in front of the Post Office on Main Street.
The reason I am going to assume this is because if a representative of the Village was not sure, someone would have already measured the distance and would have informed me of my error. Therefore, there are two questions I would like answered. The first is, when is the problem going to be corrected? The second is who is responsible?
The answer to the first question so far appears to be never. You have told me that you talked with the solicitor about changing local law. This is misdirection. The solicitor should know that state law supersedes local. You would need to change state law and I believe that is unlikely.
You said you talked to the fire chief and the chief told you that the fire department had keys and could move any vehicle in the way.
The hydrant is in front of the Post Office. How much mail will burn while the vehicle is being moved? Is the chief willing to state publicly that he wishes to change the law regarding the space?
The second question is about just how serious is this mistake. If a junior engineer at the firm that drew up the plans made the error, they should be reprimanded. However if it is a Senior or high level village administration (zoning, council, for example) then serious discussion regarding dismissal should follow.
I believe this because this person knowingly disregarded a law regarding public safety for an extra parking space in front of a Post Office which is immediately adjacent to a parking lot. This person should have no place in government. They certainly do not serve the best interest of the public.
In the past when I picked a fight with "city hall", my character was attacked. I have had petty officials manipulate information to discredit my concerns. I have found that the simplest way to limit character assassination is state that I am willing to take any test to prove my veracity. I have asked officials and others before if they too, are willing to do so. The best test I have found is the polygraph.
Mr. Mehaffie, I hope I have expressed my position better in this letter. As stated I believe this is a matter of public safety and the public should be made aware of it. I do not know if there is any news interest in this or not. I am giving a copy of this to the editor of the Bluffton News and I am going to try to email (or submit electronically) to The Bluffton Icon.
This one other matter that may be related, I have been told that it is a Village project digging trenches out on South Main. Why does it extend pass the sign of Village limits and only on one side?
Kevin Wagner
503 S. Main St.
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