Bluffton Lions Club recipient of six awards at district convention

The Bluffton Lions Club recently received six awards in recognition of its strong membership growth program, excellent website content and design and membership commitment to the Lion motto "We Serve" in the community, region and through world service projects and programs.

The awards were presented during its District 13-A convention in Findlay in late March. Bluffton's Lion Club is one of 46 Lions Clubs in District 13-A.

Awards included (each for fiscal year 2011-12):
o First place, "Net Membership Growth"
o First place, "Websites Content and Design"
o Humanitarian Award, awarded to clubs who donated to eight or more local, district, state and or international Lion projects
o Club Service Award, awarded to clubs who completed 12 local, district, state or international projects
o Committed to Service Award," awarded to clubs who fully embrace the Lions motto "We Serve"
o Number 1 Lions Catcher Award, awarded to Bluffton for sponsoring 10 new members