The Amazing Grace Race performed at St. John Mennonite

L to R - Jackson Ridge, Kat Boisvert, Kirsten Brough, Addilyn Diller, Caleb Mikesell, Mary Gallant, Chloe Miller, Alaina Basinger - 6 Runners followed by Coach and the Reporter

The Children's Choirs of St. John Mennonite Church, Pandora, will present "The Amazing Grace Race," on Sunday, April 22, at 11 a.m. and again at 6 p.m. Both performances are at the church, 15988 Road 4, Pandora.

The musical involves 70 children from the Bluffton/Pandora area from age 4 to grade 5. The musical tells the story of runners Annie, Riley, Jake, Bella, Claire, and Spud as they follow the direction of their coach and run the "Race of Life."

According to Deb Oberhaus and Grace Burkholder, directors: "Does everyone run at the same pace? No. Is the race always easy? No, but their feet hit the ground running and they head straight for the goal ... the finish line.

"The spiritual growth and journey of a Christian is much like a race. No matter what the pace, or how difficult it may get, God's grace is more than enough to help them finish the race toward the goal set before them ... life everlasting with God.

"The runners travel through Badlands Bog and the Valley of Despair, but finish the race together and learn that true heroes keep going ... because they want to finish well."

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