First United Methodists hold Sunday "block party" to celebrate birth of the church

The congregation of First United Methodist Church, Bluffton, will hold an unusual block party on Sunday, May 20, according to Bryant Miller, pastor.

A worship service is at 10:30 a.m. A block party followed the worship.

"We celebrate the day that the Holy Spirit was poured out and the Church of Jesus Christ was born," he said. "During the 10:30 a.m. worship service persons have an opportunity to be baptized or to remember their baptism by coming forward to be immersed in our outdoor baptismal."

Following the worship service the congregation will hold a carry-in lunch in its Fellowship Hall. After the lunch will be games with prizes.

Miller said that there will be a block-wide obstacle course for all ages, yard games, face-painting, Euchre and board games will be set up.

A birthday cake to celebrate the birth of the church is part of the block party. Events of the day are open to the public.

Persons considering baptism or remembering your baptism should bring a change of clothes.

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