Bluffton police have 3,599 calls on the year

It's been a busy year for the Bluffton police department. While Bluffton's August police activity summary shows the department had 632 calls for service the cumulative calls for 2012 reached 3,599 by Aug. 31.

The year-to-date report is in the attachment at the bottom of this story.

The August breakdown follows:


No Operator’s License    - 1
Parking      - 2
Reckless Operation     - 1
Safety Belt      - 2
Speed       - 6
Total       - 12

Complaint Reports
Civil       - 1
Criminal Damaging     - 4
Lost Article      - 2
Menacing      - 1
Mental / Psychiatric     - 2
Miscellaneous      - 4
OVI       - 2
Theft       - 7
Traffic       - 1
Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle   - 1
Unruly Juvenile     - 1
Warrant      - 1

Total       - 27