Heres an update on what's happen in Bluffton on Nov. 24

If you haven’t already done so, mark Saturday, Nov. 24, on your calendar. It’s the 26th annual Bluffton Blaze of Lights.

Here’s an update on the event:
4 p.m. Ice sculpturer downtown
4 p.m. Parade line up on Snider Road
5 p.m. Parade
5:55 p.m. Reading of the Christmas story by John George
6 p.m. Lighting of the Ream Holiday Folk Art Display
     (Note: this is one hour earlier than previous years)
6:15 p.m. Bluffton High School Show Choir performs

New features this year include a visit from the Pumpkin Vine Railroad, a young children’s ride. The railroad was here at the arts and crafts festival.

The Blaze has a new horse and wagon team. It is J.A. Smith’s Town and Country Carriage Service of Van Wert. They are the company used for the fall festival. Horse and wagon rides will be available following the parade.

This year’s route is from Common Grounds coffee shop south on Main Street to Beaver Street and turn around back to Common Grounds.

The Ream display will be mounted on the Presbyterian Church lawn on Saturday, Nov. 10, and again on Saturday, Nov. 17.

The Bluffton fire department will hang the holiday garland on Saturday, Nov. 10, with the 17th as a rain date.

The Blaze is an event of the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce. 

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