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Bluffton chamber collecting 2013 events in the community

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce is collecting information on 2013 events.

"We will list these on the chamber website, in the chamber newsletter and act as a collection agency for groups wanting to know what dates are open and don’t conflict with other events in Bluffton," said Fred Steiner, chamber CEO. "We seek everything from chicken barbecues, informative workshops open to the public, silent auctions, dinner theaters and similar programs.

Please send us:
Event name:
Date held:
Sponsoring organization:
Other important details: Is there an admissions fee, do the proceeds support a special

Send information to: [email protected]

Also seeking business anniversaries and retirements
The chamber also seeks anniversaries and retirements planned in 2013. The chamber intends to recognize businesses and individuals who have special milestones in 2013. The the following anniversaries were previously announced by the chamber:
• Jeanne’s Kitchen, February, 5th anniversary
• The Black Lab, August, 15th anniversary
• DTR Industries, 25th anniversary
• Ten Thousand Villages, 40th anniversary in 2014.
Send information to: [email protected]

The chamber invites community members to "like" chamber on facebook. Several items of interest to the community are listed on the facebook site. Click here to like:


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