Teen Tech Week at Bluffton Library

Teens in grades 6 –12 are invited to “check in” at the Bluffton Public Library during the week of March 11.   

The library will host two special events during Teen Tech Week.

Teens are invited to drop in and learn more about the library’s digital download collection at 3:15 p.m. on March 12.  More than 125,000 electronic titles are available to borrow free of charge with a valid library card.  Advance registration is preferred.

On March 14, teens are invited to attend a meeting to learn more about the Teen Advisory Group (TAG), share ideas about programs they would like to see offered and enjoy free pizza.

Teens must register by March 12 for the March 14 pizza party.  Please call 419-358-5016 or visit the library at 145 S. Main Street to register.