ONU pharmacy students discuss proper use of prescription drugs

Earth Day was the perfect day for third and fourth year pharmacy students from Ohio Northern University to present a program at Maple Crest, Bluffton, on the proper use of prescription drugs and the proper disposal of out-of-date medications, which includes the issue of environmental protection. 

The students are members of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP), an organization that specifically focuses on “empowering pharmacists to enhance the quality of care for all older persons through the appropriate use of medication and the promotion of healthy aging.” 

Not only did the residents learn about drug misuse and abuse through the presentation, they also had the opportunity to speak one-on-one with a student about the current medications they are taking, as well as the invitation to “turn in” outdated drugs. 

Dr. Sandra Hrometz, student advisor, and Amanda Dobrzynski, student coordinator for the event, said that they were pleased with the bag of drugs collected at Maple Crest, which will be safely delivered to the Rite Aid in Ada on Saturday, April 27, as part of the town’s “drug take back” day.