Free succession planning seminar offered June 5 for all business types

The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), a program of Findlay•Hancock County Economic Development, will host a free program on Wednesday, June 5, 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

The program will answer questions relating to succession planning, including family ownership, sales, transition planning, and legal and tax requirements Seating is limited. All business types are welcome to attend. 

The Northwest Ohio MEP is an effort that combines resources from three entities located at offices in Findlay, Archbold and Lima, Ohio. The Northwest Ohio MEP offices at Findlay•Hancock County Economic Development, Northwest State Community College and Rhodes State College serve as partners in delivering valuable services to manufacturers across Ohio. Plus, staff has resources available beyond northwest Ohio through other Ohio MEP partners.

What: Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP): Succession Planning Seminar -  Presented by Roger Bostdorff, President of B2B Sales Boost, LLC

Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Time: 7:30-9:00a.m.

Location: NCC-ET, 1700 Fostoria Ave (Enter on west side of building, north of Shelly Corporation entrance)

RSVP: No cost to attend. Register online at, call 419.422.3313, or [email protected].