June 4 PrimeTimers is old-fashioned hymn sign
This month's PrimeTimers program is Tuesday, June 4, which features an old-fashioned hymn sing with Joyce Jackson on piano and Debbie Mohr leading singing.
Meat, beverages and table service will be provided. Participants are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share.
PrimeTimers is for adults age 55 or older. It will meet the first Tuesday of each month (except January or July) at St. John Mennonite Church at noon. For more information, please contact Dave Stratton at 419-384-3680.
PrimeTimers is a local ministry to area adults 55 and up. Begun and coordinated by volunteers of St. John Mennonite Church, PrimeTimers offers a monthly lunch gathering followed by entertainment. MHCO partners with St. John in this ministry.