"Music Together," intergenerational classes, offered this fall at MMH

Music Together, music classes for infants to 5-year-olds, instructed by Laura Hartzler, will be offered at the Mennonite Memorial Home this fall. Classes are offered from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m., Mondays from Sept. 30 to Dec. 9.

The classes are developmentally appropriate for young children, the classes are not like a tradition music lesson.  In the classes children and their caregivers will sing, dance, and play instruments. All of the activities are play-based. Music Together has a great curriculum, many of the songs are American Folk songs with a modern flair.

Hartzler said, "Music Together classes are available all over the world and they are continually looking to make their classes available to a wider demographic. They recently came out with a new program that takes place within an Intergenerational setting. I have been considering bringing Music Together to Bluffton for several years, but I wasn't sure where to offer the class."

"When they came out with the plan for Intergenerational class l immediately thought if MMH.  My grandparents lived at MMH for a period of time and I was a nurses' aide there during college.  Elders so enjoy having young children visit," she said.

Hartzler added: "I teach music at Bath Elementary and direct the children's choirs at First Mennonite Church. I came to Music Together as the parent of two young children. I fell in love with their program and went to the training so I could teach. I have been teaching Music Together for five years.  

She said that it has been incredible to learn how children develop musically. 

"Until I started with Music Together I had no idea how children developed musically.  Through them I have learned the different stages children progress through on their way to being able to tap a steady beat and sing a recognizable tune," she said.

Registration is at www.musictogetherfindlay.com, or by contacting Hartzler at 419-302-0607.