15 minutes with Jacob Suter: I'm turning 11 on Oct. 27

We met up with Jacob Suter in late September at Southgate Lanes. He was working the crowd, persuading them to vote for the Shirley’s Popcorn bowling team during a chamber fundraiser. We caved and voted for them. Here’s part of our conversation with Jacob.

What grade are you in?
Fifth at Pandora-Gilboa.

Who’s your bus driver?
Mr. Brinkman.

What time do you get on the bus in the morning?
Between 7:20 and 7:25.

What’s your favorite subject?
Math. It’s easy for me.

Name the most recent book you’ve read?
“Last of the Jedi,” book 9 in the Star War series.

Is it possible that Star Wars might be your favorite all-time movie?
Yes, how did you guess?

What is the longest that you’ve ever stayed awake?
Maybe 1:30 a.m. in a sleepover at Jacob Bowers.

If you could be an animal for a day, what would you be?
I’d probably be a monkey. It would be fun climbing through trees.

What planet would you like to live on other than the earth?
Uranus. I like the color.

Do you have any pets?
Our family has a St. Bernard puppy called Rocky. We’ve had her for two months. She sleeps outside.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A lawyer. I like arguing things a lot.

If you could invent a car, describe it to us.
It would be a red sports car with an automatic drink dispenser, four doors and I’d call it the Billon Dollar Machine.

Are you learning to play any instruments in school this year?
Yes. I play percussion in band. I just started. I play the snare drum and bells.

Who is the oldest person you know?
(Long pause). My great-grandmother Wehri. She’s 92.

What are your favorite pizza ingredients?
Pepperoni, bacon and pineapple.

How about your favorite popcorn flavor. If you could invent one what would be on it and what would you call it?
It would be mint popcorn with Oreo dark chocolate. I’d call it Mint Delight.

By the way, how old are you?
I’ll be 11 on Oct. 27.

Nice talking with you and good luck this year in school. If I ever need a lawyer, I’ll call you.