BFR-university dietetic interns invite you to join Friday evening's Keeping Active kick off

BFR Sport and Fitness annual Keeping Active campaign's annual kick off event is from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Bluffton University dietetic interns, according to Carole Enneking, BFR director, and Jennifer Little, university dietetics.

Icon viewers are encouraged to attend the program, which includes information and registration for the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award challenge. 

Participants will provided with pedometers and challenged to walk 8,500 steps/day or participate in physical activity 30 minutes per day as well as meet healthy eating goals over the next six weeks.

Persons who track and meet the Presidential Active Lifestyle goals will be awarded certificates and participation gifts in March. The kick-off event will also include games, informational activities and healthy snack samples.



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