And, check out the Public Library's April calendar
Book discussions, jammin’ at the library, mobile labs and lots more is on the Bluffton Public Library April calendar, according to Jessica Hermiller, library administrator.
Here’s a preview of events planned in April:
On Saturday, April 3 at 11 a.m., Paws to Read with Tango. Tango is a certified therapy dog who loves to help children read. Children may take turns reading some of their favorite stories to her.
Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30 p.m. Butterflies of Allen County, the second in our Allen County Nature Series by Beth Theisen, Naturalist for the Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District. Call (419)358-5016 or come by and register by April 3.
Designed for babies and toddlers with a parent or caregiver; siblings welcome - next session on April 10 at 10:30 a.m.
Thursday, April 10 at 5:45 p.m. A Spring Tea, featuring Judy Clemens, local author. Sponsored by the Friends of the Bluffton Public Library. Tickets must be purchased in advance and are currently for sale at the library for $12 per person.
April 16-21, the State Library of Ohio Mobile Lab will be visiting the Bluffton Public Library. All sessions and classes are free. No registration required. It will be available during business hours for open sessions, with the following classes offered at 4:30 pm:
April 16 - Overdrive, eBooks, eAudio, video, and more!
April 17 - Social Media 101
April 18 - Google for Business and Non-profits
April 21 - YouTube for Beginners
Thursday, April 17, at 6 p.m. Jammin' @ the Library. An informal time for acoustic musicians to gather and share their love of music. Lower Level Meeting Room. No registration required.
Tuesday, April 29, at 6:30 p.m. Yarn Circle. Join fellow knitters and crocheters for an informal hangout while you work on our current project, or get some help from our host, Kimberly Hansen of Etsy's YarninCozy. Please call (419) 358-5016 or come by and register at the circulation desk by April 22.
Storytime (Ages 3 to 5)
Please feel free to drop in on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. or Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
April 7-8: Get on Board!
April 14-15: Easter Special
April 21-22: Birds
April 28-29: Monkeyin’ Around