Grob Systems and Pandora-Gilboa schools form partnership

Ralf Bronnenmeier, chief executive officer, and Darrin Lanasky, manager, of Grob Systems,  Bluffton, presented Pandora-Gilboa High School’s engineering program with a $1,000 donation on April 30. 

The annual donation allows P-G’s engineering program to purchase supplies and materials to enhance student learning opportunities. The partnership formed in the fall when five students - in the photo - went to Grob seeking aid in purchasing a CNC mill for a new course.

The partnership with Grob also enables the engineering students to tap the expertise of a local manufacturing facility that uses concepts students learn in the classroom.

The partnership enables Grob to present real-world manufacturing problems by providing reverse engineering opportunities and sharing workplace experiences. Pandora-Gilboa’s engineering program will also have some opportunities to print models for Grob using their 3D printer.

Grob Systems will also design and build a table that P-G will use for their new CNC benchmill.

Grob Systems has taken a particular interest in schools that offer engineering programs such as Pandora-Gilboa because those students are potentially excellent candidates for GROB’s apprenticeship program. 

Photo: TJ Koepplinger, Darrin Lanasky, Ralf Bronnenmeier, Jessica Klass, Je sse Stall, Matt Buess, Olivia Velasquez, Ethan Fleming

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