Bluffton-Beaverdam-Richland Township United Way meets 2014 goal - focus now is on 2015
The United Way of Bluffton, Beaverdam, and Richland Township would like to thank all the local individuals, families, and businesses that helped make our 2014 campaign year a success, we met our goal of $24,500 in donations.
With your generous donations the Bluffton, Beaverdam, and Richland Township was able to support 10 agencies including Bluffton Hospital Auxiliary, Allen County American Red Cross, Bluffton Community Preschool, Bluffton Senior Citizens, Bluffton Child Development Center, Bluffton Family Recreation, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, Weekday Christian Education, and Bluffton Community Emergency Assistance.
In the coming weeks the Bluffton Icon will publish articles featuring each of our local agencies and how your support of United Way helps these agencies serve our community.
Please take the time to read how important our ten local agencies are and how different our community would be without them.
The United Way of Bluffton, Beaverdam, and Richland Township looks forward to seeing our community members at the Farmers Market and the Fireworks display, where the winner of the 50/50 raffle will be drawn. Come out and meet our agencies in person to find out how important your support is.