Anna May and Ralph Peterson win Crowe doubles tourney

On July 10 the Bluffton Shuffleboard Club held its annual Judy Crowe Doubles Tournament.  Judy Crowe  was president of the club for several years. The tournament is sponsored by her family, according to Ralph Peterson, president of the club.

Bluffton Shuffleboard Club Judy Crowe Memorial Doubles
July 10, 2014
Main Bracket

1st Place  Anna May & Ralph Peterson
2nd Place  Sandy & Mike Little
3rd Place  Betty & Bernie Baumgartner
4th Place  Evelyn Reese & Mike Bastian

Consolation Bracket
1st Place  Morris Groman & Don Basinger
2nd Place  Jack Moore & Carl Linton
3rd Place  Betty & Gerald Houdeshell
4th Place  Carlton Habegger & Jim Zink