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Nadin-Sarah Salkic, university alumna, Sept. 16 Constitution Day forum speaker

Nadin-Sarah Salkic, an attorney and Bluffton University alumna, will return to her alma mater Tuesday, Sept. 16, for an 11 a.m. address comparing European and U.S. constitutional treatment of minority groups.

Free and open to the public in Founders Hall, the presentation is Bluffton’s Constitution Day Forum. All educational institutions that receive federal funds are required to offer an instructional program each year on or near Sept. 17, the day the U.S. Constitution was signed in 1787.

The 2010 Bluffton graduate, a native of Bosnia and Herzegovina, will discuss “Bosnia after the War: Three Constituent Peoples and ‘Others.’” She will focus on the case of Sejdic and Finci v. Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which the European Court of Human Rights ruled that ineligibility of minority representation in the country’s House of Peoples violated the European Convention on Human Rights.

Salkic came to the United States as an exchange student in 2005. After graduating from Bluffton with a bachelor’s degree in history, she went on to earn a law degree from the Texas Wesleyan, now Texas A&M, University School of Law. She has worked primarily in criminal law, but also in family and immigration law and in her current field, oil and gas law.

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