All the Blaze details are here!
The stage is set for the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce’s Blaze of Lights. This year’s event, the 28th annual Blaze, begins Saturday, Nov. 29, in downtown Bluffton. Here is the up-to-the-minute Blaze information.
Nov. 29 schedule
4:00 p.m. – Ice carving exhibition by Chad Hartson
4:00 p.m. - Food booths will open
4:00 p.m. – Parade line up on Snider Road
5:00 p.m. – Parade
6:00 p.m. - Entertainment on Main Street
• Bluffton High School show choir
• Dancer Elite dancers
• Lima Beane Chorus
6:55 p.m. – John George recites Christmas story from Luke 2
7:00 p.m. – Anna Ruth Reichenbach turns on the Ream lights
7:00 p.m. – Wood carving exhibition by John Guagenti
• Immediately following the parade - Horse and wagon rides and kiddie train rides
Parade marshals – turn on the switch
Three Bluffton residents, each actively involved in several community activities, will be recognized this year.
Nancy and Ed Yeager are the Blaze parade marshals. Both have volunteered for several community activities, and have spent lots of time promoting the community. Anna Ruth Reichenbach is this year’s “switch hitter.” (She’ll turn on the lights.) She is also active in several community organizations and is a former partner in Reistman’s, a one-time women’s clothing store in Bluffton.
John George - Blaze MC
John George, who has served as the Blaze master of ceremonies since 1995, will again perform that role. Dressed in his traditional town crier garb, George will announce events from the Blaze review stand on the Presbyterian Church lawn. He and Junior Weihrauch, Blaze parade coordinator, will announce Blaze parade entries from the review stand.
Ice sculpture
Ice sculpturer Chad Hartson of Ice Creations of Napoleon, for the fourth year, will create a work of art from a large chunk of ice. He is one of America’s leading sculptors with national and international recognition. Beginning at 4 p.m., as the crowd watches, Hartson will work with a block of ice 40 by 20 by 10 inches and over the next 45 minutes will create an ornate snowflake. Hartson’s work is described as a the “ultimate cool.”
Wood carver
A Blaze of Light first is an appearance by John Guagenti of Bluffton, wood carver. Similar to Chad Hartson, only using wood, Guagenti will carve a holiday sculpture on Nov. 29. He will create his piece beginning at 7 p.m. on the Citizens National Bank corner (Main and Church).
The largest parade ever!
Junior Weihrauch, parade coordinator, said that this year’s parade is the largest in Blaze history.
Over 110 units are in this year's parade. This year’s parade is estimated to last 60 minutes. To demonstrate this year’s parade size, in 2008 the parade had 40 units.
This year’s parade forms at 4 p.m. on Snider Road. The parade begins at 5 p.m. A first, second and third prize will be awarded to the top floats, with each winner receiving a trophy. Judging takes place during the parade line up. Float winners will be announced during the parade. Parade units will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Nov. 29.
Persons wanting to be part of the parade may contact Weihrauch, 20791 State Route 68, Arlington, Ohio 45814, or call 419-365-5304. The parade route travels Snider Road south to Main Street and to College Avenue. It turns east on College and disbands at Triplett Drive.
• County Kettle Corn (Crawfis family), Sports Warehouse alley
• Bluffton Senior Citizens will offer their traditional Blaze supper from 4 p.m. until approximately 7:30 p.m. Their menu includes soups, sandwiches and homemade pie.
• Bluffton Lions Club will offer a chicken barbecue at the middle school and later (unless sold out) on Church and Main from 4 to 7 p.m. Tickets are on sale from Lion members.
• Bluffton High School post-prom committee will offer baked goods, nachos and cheese and hot chocolate in front of Family Eye Care. They will also sell tickets for a cash raffle. Only 400 tickets available. First prize is $500, second $300 and third prize $100.
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus will be in the Blaze parade. Following the parade, they will meet with youth of all ages at the Senior Citizens Center.
Horse and wagon rides one night only
J.A. Smith’s Town and Country Carriage Service, Van Wert, will provide horse and wagon rides on the night of the Blaze. This is the only night that those rides will be offered.
Rides will start at the conclusion of the Blaze parade and will continue during the evening. Departure point for the rides is in front of Common Grounds coffee shop.
Tickets for horse and wagon rides are $4 for persons 11 and older and $2 for youth 10 and under. Children who can sit on an adult lap have no charge. Tickets will be sold in advance at the front of Common Grounds. This year’s horse and wagon route will be on South Main Street.
Thank you to S.H.A.N.N.O.N Service Club for selling tickets and assisting horse and wagon riders getting on and off the wagon this year.
Romick Railway
A ride for young children, the Romick Railway, will offer rides following the parade. The railroad will be located on Main Street near Bluffton Senior Citizens Center.
Book ReViews book signing
Bluffton poet and writer Ruth Naylor will launch her newest book, "Straw & All: A Christmas Poetry Collection," at Book ReViews from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. During her poetry reading and book signing Naylor will share Christmas experiences that inspired the poetry.
The Gift of Giving light show extravaganza
In its seventh season, the Gift of Giving light show extravaganza will be shown across from Harmon Field stadium on East College Avenue. The show will be viewed nightly from 6 to 11 p.m. through Jan. 1. Based upon last year’s attendance, it is anticipated to attract an audience of over 5,000. On Blaze night, the show will start following the parade.
Chamber website and Facebook
All Blaze updates are posted on the chamber website: Free maps showing locations of light displays in Bluffton are also available to download and print from the website.
The chamber encourage persons to “like” the chamber’s facebook so that you may receive immediate Blaze of Lights updates.
Main Street windows contest
The three winning businesses will be announced on the Blaze stage on Nov. 29. A traveling trophy will go to the business lighting contest winner.
Residential lighting contest
Bluffton’s residential holiday lighting contest prize money totals $500 this year. The chamber contributed $350 and First National Bank contributed $150.
Judging on Dec. 6
Judging takes place on Saturday, Dec. 6. Residents wanting their displays judged must send a request to [email protected]. The e-mail request must have the family name and address listed. Or, residents may mail their request to be judged to: Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 142, Bluffton, OH 45817.
The e-mail or mailed entry assures that your residence will be judged. However, judges will also consider displays not formally entered.
Residential holiday lighting contest categories:
First place overall - $150 prize
Second place overall - $100 prize
Third place overall - $50 prize
Mayor’s choice (chosen by Judy Augsburger) - $50 prize
Best religious - $50 prize
Best “use of lights” - $50 prize
Best “minimal” use of lights - $50 prize
The contest is open to any residence inside the Bluffton village limits. Winners will receive Bluffton chamber gift certificates, which may be used in any Bluffton business.
In addition, winners will be listed on the village holiday light map. The free maps will be posted on the chamber website, available in businesses and in the red mailbox on the Presbyterian Church lawn.
Map showing holiday lights
Residents with outdoor Christmas displays may place their residence on the 2014 Bluffton Christmas lights map.
The printer-friendly are posted on the Bluffton chamber website ( for the benefit of out-of-town persons interested in knowing where to go to view lights in Bluffton.
Printed copies of the map are also available in the Ream display red mailbox on the Presbyterian lawn. Printed copies are available at the Bluffton Marathon and other businesses.
The chamber has offered the free maps for several years. All Blaze sponsors are listed on the maps. Generally 400 to 500 maps are picked up, indicating the number of out-of-town visitors Bluffton has during November and December.
To place your residence on the map, e-mail your street address to: [email protected]. In the announcement, state that you wish to be placed on the holiday lights map. Maps will be updated continually during this holiday season.
...and during the entire Blaze season to Jan. 1
Santa Claus coming to town
The chamber has scheduled two more Santa’s visit to Bluffton in addition to the Blaze of Lights night. Here are those dates and locations:
• Saturday, Dec. 6 – Santa will be in Greg’s Pharmacy, 120 N. Main St., from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
• Saturday, Dec. 13 – Santa will be in Citizens National Bank, 102 S. St., from 10 a.m. to noon.
• Santa will also be at the Friday, Dec. 12, chamber breakfast in the town hall.
Senior citizens peanut brittle
Ohio’s best peanut brittle is available only in Bluffton and only in November and December (while supplies last). The candy is produced each Monday in November by members of the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. It is available for $5.50 a pound.
Deck the Hall Christmas cards
Beverly Amstutz has created “Happy Holidays” greeting cards. These are available for $1 each at Greg’s Pharmacy.
Bluffton Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificates
Available in any amounts, these may be purchased at Citizens National Bank. The gift certifications may be used anytime in the next 12 month in any Bluffton business, or may be redeemed for cash at Citizens National Bank. They make great Christmas gifts.
2014 Blaze sponsors
Nearly 25 businesses assisted the Blaze with sponsorships this year. Those sponsors follow:
Gold - $1,500
• Bluffton University
Diamond - $1,000
• Hancock County Convention and Visitors’ Bureau
Silver - $500
• Bluffton Paving and Bluffton Stone Co.
• Bluffton McDonald’s
• Citizens National Bank
• DTR Industries
• First National Bank
• Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio
• Smith’s Realty Professionals
• Shannon Theatre and Shirley’s Gourmet Popcorn Co.
Ruby - $300
• Ed Reichenbach State Farm Agency
• Greg’s Pharmacy
• Family Eye Care
• Shannon Theatre and Shirley’s Gourmet Popcorn Co.
• Sielschott, Walsh, Kiefer & Regula, CPA
Bronze - $150
• Bluffton Aeration Service
• Bluffton Farmers’ Market
• Bluffton Icon
• Boehr Site Seeker
• Chiles-Laman Funeral Home
• Common Grounds Coffee Shop
• Edward Jones
• Kirtland's Auto Sales
• Stratton Auto Sales
• Tommy Tire and Tommy’s Trailer Sales
The Blaze of Lights is more than just a one-day event. In addition to the events taking place on Nov. 29, it includes these elements that continue nightly through Jan. 1:
• the Ream folk art holiday display
• the Gift of Giving light show extravaganza
• Bluffton Main Street business district Christmas window displays
• a tour of Bluffton’s residential yard lighting
Blaze committee
Blaze members are: Lauren Beasley, John George, Ryan Lowry, Phil Zimmerly, Junior Weihrauch and Fred Steiner.
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