Ideal Images building sold to TTS Rental Properties

TTS Rental Properties of Bluffton has purchased the building housing Ideal Images at 114 E. College Ave., Bluffton. The keys passed to the new owners on March 2.

Sheena and Tom Dotson are the owners of TTS Rental Properties. They also own Tommy's Tire Sales, 319 N. Main St., and Tommy Truck Sales, State Route 103, Bluffton.

Rachel and Aaron Webster sold the buiding, which had housed Ideal Images. See the story below for an update on Ideal Images.

Tom Dotson said that TTS Rentals has listed the property with CCR RealLiving Realtors. "We will try to rent the building," he said, adding, "I'd love to have a family sit-down restaurant here," however, he said that they are keeping their options open to other interested renters.

The 114 E. College Ave., building has 2,482 square feet and is on a lot of nearly one-half acre. It includes several parking spaces.


Sheena Dotson
319 N Main St
Bluffton, OH  45817