Sara Bertka BHS February student of the month

Sara Bertka, a Bluffton High School junior is the BHS student of the month for February. Sara, daughter of Randy and Holly Bertka of Bluffton has a 4.000 grade point average.

She participates in Spanish Club, Art Club, Drama Club and Math Club. She is  a member of the BHS concert band and was one of the captains on the flag corps team.  She received a perfect score on the Math OGT, has received an Academic Award for her GPA, is the junior class president, a member of the National Honor Society and  "Leaders of Tomorrow."

She played on the Varsity tennis team and received an award for "Most Improved" during the 2014 season.

Outside of school she is an AWANA leader at the Cable Road Alliance Church and is a Campus Life leader.

She is currently taking Calculus I at Bluffton University as a post-secondary option. After she graduates, she would like to attend the School of Advertising Art (SAA) and study Graphic Design.