About those yellow bags - fill them with canned food and the Scouts will pick them up

What are those yellow bags?

On March 15, Bluffton Boy Scout Troop 256 members placed yellow bags on the doors of Bluffton residents for the Scouting for Food drive, according to Mike Metzger, Bluffton Scoutmaster. 

"If you would like to contribute, please place non-perishible items in the bag and leave on your door step on Sunday March 22," he said.

"The Scouts will be around at 1 p.m. to collect the donations. All donations benefit the Bluffton Food Pantry.  If you did not receive a bag and would like to donate or if your donation was not collected, please contact  Metzger at 419-235-5654. 

Photo: Jon Smith of Boy Scout Troop 256 placed a bag for Scouting for Food at a Bluffton residence.