Nearly 100 guests at Maple Crest's Pockets and Posies tea

“Pockets and Posies” was the title of the Maple Crest Ladies’ Tea held Mother's Day weekend.  

“Pockets” stood for the pockets found on many aprons, once-upon-a-time, when aprons were needed for everything from carrying in fresh apples from the orchard to wiping ones brow after a day of canning. 

The speaker, Pat Danner, from Fostoria, arrived in her mother’s apron and expounded upon all the ways that the apron had been used. Maple Crest elders and their guests, as well as the servers for the day, also came in aprons, many of which had special significance. 

“Posies” stood for the gorgeous and fragrant array of live flowers from Stratton Greenhouses, in the colors of the day – purple, lavender and pink.  

Ninety-three ladies were treated to chicken salad croissants and fruit salsa with cinnamon chips made by Patricia Arendorf, food coordinator at Maple Crest, and raspberry mini-cupcakes with a candy violet on top baked and designed by Judy Gillett. 

The teas for the afternoon party were Constant Comment with mulling spices and herbal raspberry-hibiscus. Door prizes were delicate teacups (donated by Sandy Cherry) filled with silk violets and cookbooks (donated by Book Reviews). 

The ladies’ tea, with its fun and  fellowship, fit well with this quote: “Life is like a tea cup, to be filled to the brim and enjoyed with friends”  To see photos from the event, visit Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio at


• Pat Danner, speaker
• Barbara Wood and family
• Jayne McGarrity with her mother, Mary Barnett
• Joanne Niswander and Ruth Naylor

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