Lima Rotary Club receives donation for Abilities Ball Field

Andy and Elaine Maravola presented a $1,000 check to the Abilities Ball Field at the July 6 Lima Rotary Club meeting.

The Maravolas coordinated the Charity Car Show at Westgate Entertainment Center on June 28 and the donation is a portion of the $6,500 raised for charity by the show. Nearly 400 cars were entered.

"This is helping us reach our goal to make the dream a reality. We appreciate that they have chosen the Abilities Field as one of their charities to receive this donation," said fundraising coordinator Tracie Sanchez.

The Abilities Ball Field is a completely handicapped accessible field that will be built on the campus of the University of Northwestern Ohio. The Lima Rotary Club is a major sponsor of the project, contributing $100,000 to the field. So far, $151 has been raised.