Village to receive $1,121 in payment salt price-fixing settlement
Bluffton council will hear updates on several fall village projects on Monday.
Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, will provide current information on many of those projects. Here's a summary of his anticipated report:
The village had a preconstruction meeting for the Trihalomethane Removal System project last Thursday. As long as fabrication moves forward as scheduled, the contractors are scheduled to begin the installation of the TRS the last week in October.
Martin Painting and Coating Co. started on the swimming pool resurfacing on Wednesday. The prepping crew is currently in stripping the surface down to the concrete and removing the old seams. Once the prep work is completed and any necessary repairs made to the concrete, as long as the weather permits, the resurfacing should begin.
Road salt
The contracted price for road salt through Allen County via ODOT is $60.63 per ton. During the 2014-2015 winter season, we did not purchase any salt in large part due to the contracted price of $105.00 per ton.
Additionally, last season we started the season off with our salt bins full and were fortunate to not have to purchase salt at the contracted price. While we currently have approximately 50 tons of salt on hand, the intent is to fill the bins to capacity in November when the contract permits the Winter Fill to begin using the 2015 budget for salt that was not used earlier in the year.
Furthermore, Mike Dewine’s office released the Rock Salt Settlement resulting from the lawsuit that the state filed against salt producers stemming from an increase a few years ago and claims of price fixing. According to the Attorney General’s news release, the Village of Bluffton will be receiving a $1,121.42 claim payment from the settlement agreement.
Hydrant flushing
The Service Department is scheduled to begin the semi-annual hydrant flushing the week of Oct. 5. The fall flushing takes a little longer to complete than the spring flushing due to the need to pump down the hydrants following the flushing to prep for freezing temperatures. It is anticipated that the flushing program will take up to three weeks to complete.
Leaf pickup
We have not scheduled a start date for leaf pickup yet. As the season progresses, we will make a determination as to when the leaf pickup will commence. Residents who like to get an early start on the process are always welcome to drop off their leaves at the brush dump.
The Monday's agenda is an attachment at the bottom of this story.