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Music, computers talking and Santa Paw at the library

That's music we hear coming from the Bluffton Public Library. Also computers clicking and a special Santa Paws Storytime.

Holiday music will be performed at 6:30 p.m., Monday, Dec. 7, and in other Mondays in December. Guest musicians vary from week to week, and include, Wendy Chappell-Dick, Rainbow Dulcimers and Dulcimer Gatherin’, Jim Boedicker and Ed Zickafoose. Stop by to listen, join in, and enjoy some refreshments.

Also on Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m., is a special Santa Paws Storytime. Therapy dog Teddy will join the staff as they read  animal-themed holiday stories. Registration is not required for this event. 

Dec. 7-12 is National Computer Science Week. The library  will have an Unplugged Family Fun event on Dec. 8 from 3 to 7 p.m. The event includes activities to help families learn about the computer sciences, and the staff also encourage patrons to participate in the Hour of Code.