Will your child be 5 by Aug. 1? Then Kindergarten approaches

It’s time to think about Kindergarten for the 2016-2017 school year.

Any child who will be 5 years old by Aug. 1, 2016, is eligible to enroll. In order to develop a Kindergarten mailing list, parents and care-givers should contact the Bluffton elementary office at 419-358-7951 or email to [email protected].

The following information is needed:
• child’s name,
• birthdate,
• parent(s) names,
• address, and
• phone number.

All children are required to have their immunizations before starting school. The Allen County Health Department provides immunizations with an appointment. \

Its website is: allencountyhealthdepartment.org.  Additional information will be mailed home to future kindergarten students in early March.