Attention elementary parents: Memory book order deadline Feb. 11

Attention parents of Bluffton elementary students. The deadline to order a 2015-16 school memory book is Thurday, Feb. 11. According to the elementary school website the price is $18 per book or it can be upgraded to a hardcover for $23.  

Here's some additional elementary school news from the website:

TESTING DAYS:  Second grade students will take achievement tests in math and reading the week of March 14.  New state tests will be given April 20-21 for grades 3-5 in English/Language Arts. 

On April 22 and 27, grades 3-5 will take Ohio Math tests.  On April 28-29 fourth graders will take Ohio Social Studies and fifth graders will take Ohio Science tests.  All tests will be given at the beginning of the day and will be completed by lunch time. 
SPRING PICTURE DAY:  On Tuesday, March 15, elementary students will get their spring pictures taken. The pictures will be prepay only.  Students purchasing a package on Picture Day will be the only ones to get their picture taken.  Information will be sent home with students in March.

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION:  It’s time to think about Kindergarten for the 2016-2017 school year.  Any child who will be five years old by Aug. 1, 2016, is eligible to enroll.  In order to develop a kindergarten mailing list, please contact the elementary office at 419-358-7951.  

February and March calendar events:
Feb. 15 - no school, Presidents' Day
Feb. 26 - Mid terms go home with students
March 7 - Kindergarteners SESA "wind and weather"
March 7 - PTO, library, 6:30 p.m.
March 14-18 - Second grade Iowa Testing
March 15 - Spring picture day
March 18 - Music Booster chicken barbecue
March 25 - No school, spring break