Rustic Bendz - jewelry - featured Saturday at Book ReViews

Book ReViews, 123 S. Main St., celebrates Valentine’s Day with a designed jewelry program on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., according to Dr. Christina Walton, store manager.
Jenny Frankart of Rustic Bendz, spoon artist/owner, has designed jewelry for three years and says she "wants her creations to be fun." 

For her, silverware is the star. Silver won’t wear out, silver patterns show their own character and patina. There are many pieces now on display at Book ReViews. On Feb. 13 she will bring hundreds of beautiful pieces.

Silverware jewelry utilizes knives, forks and spoons to create Rustic Bendz handmade necklaces, pendants, bracelets, rings, earrings, charms, key chains, money clips and custom family keepsake pieces.

Rustic Bendz is a privately-owned business and is not a party plan nor wholesale jewelry. Jewelry has Valentine prices and buy more than one discount.
30 percent off in February

In addition, in February, Book ReViews has all fiction, classics and literature, and poetry on sale at 30 percent off. 

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