Mosquito control rolls out Wednesday at dusk

Bluffton's mosquito patrol launches the 2016 season on Wednesday evening, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator.

"Now that mosquito activity has been observed in various places throughout the village, the service separtment will begin spraying for mosquitos on Wednesday, June 8," he told The Icon.

Mehaffie said that the spraying will tbegin around dusk on Wednesdays as necessary with Thursdays being the alternate day if weather does not permit the spraying.

In addition to using the product Duet with a ULV (Ultra Low Volume) sprayer, the village also utilizes Natular. It is a larvacide used in catch basins and other locations that have the potential to hold stagnant water. Both of these products are from Clarke and information on these products is available at

Mehaffie said that while the village attempts to control mosquito populations using these methods, the most successful method is for the members of the community to eliminate the breeding habitats for mosquitos by emptying standing water from flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, pet water dishes, discarded tires and birdbaths on a regular basis.

He added that the majority of the 59 species of mosquitos in Ohio travel less than a quarter-mile from where they emerge from their eggs, so if residents are experiencing high mosquito populations, there is a suitable habitat somewhere near that area.

The Ohio Department of Health’s website: is at resource for more information on the mosquitos found in Ohio and the health hazards that they may present.