Meet the BHS September student of the month

The September Student of the Month at Bluffton High School is Sydney Hoff, daughter of Scott and Brigette Hoff of Bluffton. Sydney is a junior and is a 4.000 student.

Sydney is involved in marching band, concert band, pep band, jazz band, show choir , concert choir, math club, math team, Latin club, Spanish club, Art club, SADD club, National Honor Society, Allen Lima Leadership, Allen County Junior Fair board, Beaverdam Bunch 4-H club, Future Shepherds 4-H club, St. John Mennonite Church Youth group and is an AWANA children's K-2nd grade ministry leader.

Among awards earned include, first team All-Conference for Cross Country (Grades 9/10); advanced to Regionals in Cross County and Track (Grades 9/10); 4 x 800 m Relay NWC Champions (Grade 9); Band Secretary, National Latin Exam Magna Cum Laude Award, Most improved runner in cross county (Grade 10); and has received seven top student awards including Health, Latin I, Geometry, American History, Latin II, English 10, & Algebra II; Vice President of the Beaverdam Bunch 4-H club, President of the Future Shepherds 4-H Club and was the champion of the senior showmanship of her market goat at the Allen County Fair.
She would like to attend Taylor University and study Elementary Education.

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