Bluffton Communty Preschool looking for new home

Due to expanded needs of Bluffton Community Preschool and its host, First United Methodist Church, the preschool is searching for a new home, according to Christine Clymer, board president.

“Our enrollment is up and the church is expanding and needs additional space,” she said.  “We are looking for a new home by early spring. We are interested in talking with any Bluffton building owners with available space interested in housing us.”

Bluffton Community Preschool’s home has been in the First United Methodist Church for the past five school years. It holds classes during the school year for 3- and 4-year olds Mondays through Fridays from 8:05 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

The preschool’s income is largely from tuition. It is also supported by the Bluffton-Beaverdam-Richland Township United Way. The preschool has a long Bluffton history, beginning with its founding nearly 45 years about by the Bluffton Inter-Church Board.

Today it is a self-sustaining organization. Its teachers are Amy Bingley, 3-year-old class, Linda Headings, 4-year-old class and Melissa McGuire, assistant teacher.

Its board members, in addition to Clymer, are Amy Roby, vice-president, Jen Benroth, secretary, Scott Basinger, treasurer, Sue Schaaf, Tiffany Gleason, Emily Koogler and Jeanine Lewis.

Persons interested in talking with Clymer about rental options for the preschool may contact her at [email protected], or may contact any board member.