Bluffton builder Cory Pinks goes out on a limb tonight

How’s your backyard tree house?

Bluffton builder Cory Pinks went out on a limb to fix a tree house in Findlay. Next thing you know, he’s featured on Treehouse Masters, on cable, shown on the Animal Planet Network tonight (Friday, Feb. 3) at 10 p.m.

Pinks, of CPC Contracting, Bluffton, and Richard Watkins of 1st Class Siding, Harrod, were selected from 871 entries to create a complete, top-to-bottom, renovation of an old tree house in Findlay.

Pinks said that it was a real experience and a lot of fun for he and Watkins to work with Pete Nelson, the show’s host, and the show’s TV crew.

Tonight's show is the season finale of Treehouse Masters. The tree house project was completed last fall.