“Meet your major” career path discussion Feb. 21

Five Bluffton alumni will share their careers paths upon completing their liberal arts education during the 11 a.m. Forum in Bluffton’s Stutzman Lecture Hall located in Centennial Hall. The presentation is free and open to the public.

The five presenters include: philosophy major Mitch Kingsley ’71, who now serves as an attorney; music major Audwin Jones ’87, who works in college admissions; music major Jason Wellman ’06, now pastoring to the Methodist community; business major Lori Pongtana Burrows ’03, who is a non-profit fundraiser; and accounting major Lisa Pongtana Bradley ’08, now acting as a credit analyst.

The Forum will be moderated by Shari Ayers, director of Bluffton’s center for career and vocation. Each panelist will answer questions provided by Bluffton faculty, staff and students.

This Forum is sponsored by the office of alumni engagement. 

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