Riley Creek Arbor invites viewers to contribute to toy-book drive

Riley Creek Arbor will hold a toy and book drive from Wednesday to Friday, March 8-10, according to Gary Reese, of Faith Investment Services, Bluffton.

The drive benefits the Bluffton Community Preschool. Here’s how Icon viewers may participate:

Visit Faith Investment Services, 122 N. Main St., from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 8-10. Select any item from the window to purchase.

Donors may write a check to Bluffton Community Preschool for the item purchased. Then you may deliver it to the preschool, at First United Methodist Church, 116 Church St., or Faith Investment Services by March 31.

Or, you may CLICK HERE (give it a moment to open) and sign up for items you wish to donate. Purchase the items and then deliver them to the preschool or Faith Investment Services by March 31.