There's a book fair in October

The fall Bluffton elementary book fair takes place later this month, as does Red Ribbon Week. Those two special events are among several activities in October at the elementary.

Here's a complete list of things happened at the elementary, taken from the school newsletter. An attachment below includes the newsletter.

ELEMENTARY BOOK FAIR: The Book Fair will begin the week of Oct. 23.  Daily hours are 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Friday.  Family Night is Tuesday, Oct. 24, from 6 to 8 p.m.

RED RIBBON WEEK: Students across America celebrate Red Ribbon Week (Oct. 23-27), the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation.   Special activities and fun days planned: Thursday-Heroes Day, Friday-Red Out Day. 

TWO-HOUR DELAY:  Please mark your calendar. Bluffton Exempted Village Schools will have a two-hour delay on Wednesday, Nov. 1., for professional development               

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  Reading Tutors are needed at all elementary grade levels.  If you are interested, please contact Beth Ackerman at 419-358-7951.

October calendar  

Wednesday, Oct. 18 - Second Grade Field Trip – McElroy Environmental Center,
Thursday, Oct. 19 - Third Grade Field Trip-Allen County Children’s Museum
Mon.-Fri, Oct. 23-27 - Red Ribbon Week
Mon.-Fri., Oct. 23-27 - Elementary Book Fair Week
Tuesday , Oct. 24 - Book Fair Family Night – Elementary Library 6-8 p.m.
Tues. - Wed. Oct. 24-25 - Third Grade Ohio English/Language Arts Test

November calendar

Wednesday, Nov. 1 - 2-hour delay - Teacher PD
Friday, Nov. 3 -  End of 1st grading period
Friday, Nov. 3 -  Kindergarten – OSU-Lima Theater
Monday, Nov. 6 - PTO meeting, 8 p.m. – Elementary Library
Wednesday, Nov. 8 - Picture Retake Day
Friday, Nov. 10 - Grade Cards go home with students
Monday, Nov. 20 - K-5 Parent Teacher Conferences, 5-8 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 21 - K-5 Parent Teacher Conferences, 9-4 and 5-8 p.m.
Tues.-Wed., Nov. 21-22 - No School (Elementary and Middle School)
Thurs.-Fri., Nov. 23-24 - No School – Thanksgiving Vacation
Wednesday, Nov. 29 - COSI-On-Wheels “Energy” - Elementary gym