Veterans Day activities

The Bluffton American Legion Post 382 will honor veterans in several programs on Friday and Saturday.

• Cheryl Craig, Thom Craig and Larry Core will show Bluffton 4th graders how to respect and fold the American Flag  on Friday.

• The Bluffton American Legion will be giving the Americanism test to  Bluffton High School sophomores, juniors and seniors Graders on Friday morning.

• A formal ceremony will take place at 9 a.m. in the high school gymnasium.  Veterans spouses will speak about their experiences while there husbands servedIn wars.

Speakers include Nancy Yeager ( Roy Young), Army Vietnam, Kelli Burkholder (Ryan Burkholder), Marine, served from 1999-2003 and Emily Ulrey (Nathan Ulrey), Navy, serving in current conflicts.

• On Saturday Bluffton American Legion members will visit veterans at Richland Manor, Mennonite Memorial Home, Hilty Home and Maple Crest. 

• The Bluffton Scrap Artist group will pass out quilts they made to veterans in the Hilty Home and Maple Crest.