Family equipping workshop Oct. 13

A “family equipping workshop” will take place from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 13, in the lower level of the Bluffton Public Library, 145 S. Main St.

The workshop is most appropriate for parents and their children who are in Kindergarten through fifth grade, according to Cornerstone of Hope Christian Counseling, Lima, the group leading the event.

The cost of the workshop is $25 for families of four or less, $30 for families of five or more.

Several topics in the workshop include:
• Manage tricky transitions and stressful times of the day
• Use creative, practical tools for calming big emotions
• Learn how to talk through tough situations

Families will practice the tools taught and will work together to create a “task tracker” and “break spinner,” during the workshop.

Persons may register online at, may e-mail [email protected], or call 419-581-9138.